Fall Leaf

November Preschool Themes

Free November Preschool Themes for your Homeschool or Preschool Classroom! The month of November holds so many promises while school is in full session. The promise of family get-togethers, lots of food, and an attitude of gratitude. Plus, our November Preschool Themes include interesting topics to get the kids excited like Acorns, Fall leaves, mushrooms, and hibernation. You'll find a plethora of Printables, Worksheets, Activities, and more! Don't forget to check out our November Preschool...

September Preschool Themes

As September rolls around, so do the back to school buses. Our September Preschool Themes include terrific themes like the Fall season, Back to School, Apples, and more! You'll find an abundance of September Printables, Worksheets, Activities, and more! If you are thinking about September Preschool Lessons, check out all of our free summer activities below! Grab these outstanding printables and activities that are wonderful for the Fall Season including topics like Back to School,...

Preschool Themes for October: Pumpkins, Bats, and More!

It's that beautiful time of year again. October is a wonderful month to still enjoy warmer weather while gazing at the autumn colors. While you may need your jacket, enjoy that comforting sunshine outdoors with your exploring little ones. It's also time for Preschool Themes in October: Pumpkins, Harvest Festivals, Silly Monsters, Bats, and Trunk and Treat! Pumpkin Projects for Preschool As beautifully colored fall leaves drop, pumpkins make their grand entrance on porches and patios...

Fall Leaf Preschool Printables

Our Autumn resources help you plan out your leafy learning centers and classroom activities. Fall is a great time to sneak in some hands-on discovery, take a nature walk, and collect samples of God's beautiful creation! On your nature walk point out the changes during the Autumn season, the colors of the leaves, squirrels busily collecting acorns, mushrooms, pinecones, and moss.  Here are some quick tips and resources you can pair alongside a Preschool Nature...