We have some amazing printables to help you take your preschool class Down Under! You’ll find Australian Animal ABC’s, Classroom projects, handwriting pages, coloring sheets,
colorful bookmarks, crafts and more. Most notably our Australian Word wall Cards take children through 26 different animals they will find new and exciting. Australia makes a great theme for Letter A activities, Amazing Animals, or World Cultures.

Color and Learn Australia ABC Alphabet Worksheets
Free and FUN Color and Learn Australia ABC Worksheets! Kids learn all about 26 ‘down under’ animals while practicing their alphabet and strengthening writing and reading skills.

Australia Animals Memory Matching Game
Colorful photograph memory cards you can use with your children. Print on card stock and laminate for best results. Children love to learn about all the different animals of Australia.

Australian Animal Alphabet Wordwall Cards
This is a printable set of Australian Animals from A-Z. Children can use these cards in your learning centers and your word wall charts. You can even print them as full page sheets and have children match up letters of the alphabet.

Australia Cut and Paste Map Activity
This is a simple coloring page for children to cut and paste different Australian animals and paste them on the map.

Australia Coloring Page
This is an Australia themed coloring page featuring the country draped in the flag alongside a kangaroo, platypus, koala, boomerang and the Sydney Opera House. Children can trace the letters of the word Australia.

Cute Australia Coloring Pages for Kids
Here are some cute Australian Coloring Pages for kids to color

Boomerang Art Project
Here is a large boomerang printout that would make a fantastic art project for your students. Print on cardstock and decorate by paining small amounts of glue and then covering with colored sand. Encourage children to paint within each section with a different color.

Aborigional Bookmark Art
These beautiful representations of Aboriginal art make fantastic bookmarks or even center discovery cards. Print on cardstock and laminate for durability.

Koala King File Folder Game
This is a printable file folder game with a cut koala theme. Children work on number recognition and sequencing by crowing the koala with the largest written number.

Aborigional Coloring Pages
These coloring pages would be suited for your preschoolers too! We’ve posted these alongside a series of Australian Crafts and activities that could easily be adjuested to the preschool level.

Australia Animals Preschool Bible Lesson
Our fourth October lesson take children on a journey to explore some of the more unique and AMAZING animals God made! Children will learn that the creation reflects the creativity and glory of the Lord!
Comments (4)
Thank you for this sweet and beautiful material, IĀ“m using it at our home school with my children. Alan 5, and Alison 7. ĀØm Christian also, and new in teaching at home,(I am learning at the same time I am teaching!) so IĀ“m always looking for material in the web. My family and I live in Nicaragua.
Thanks again!
One of my clients LOVES Australia, animals AND the alphabet. This couldn’t have been a more perfect fit!! Thanks!
Thank you for creating these resources, my daughter really enjoyed doing them.
Cheers Jelita