We have some wonderful printables you can use with your children when learning about the four seasons! Find sequencing games, file folder games, coloring pages, bookmarks and classroom charts! For Individual seasons see our Spring Preschool Printables or Fall Leaf Preschool Printables here.

Four Season Photo Charts
A set of four different classroom charts featuring the seasons. These are great for calendar areas or even having thematic centers in your classroom.

Seasonal Sort File Folder Game
A fantastic full color photograph file folder game for children to sort out what belongs in each season. This is a great game to play individually or as a class.

Four Seasons Printable Bookmarks
This is a simple chart you can hang up in the classroom or provide one for each child. Features full color photographs with the different seasons written across the bottom.

Four Seasons Printable Chart
This is a simple chart you can hang up in the classroom or provide one for each child. Features full color photographs with the different seasons written across the bottom.

God Made the Seasons Minibook
This is a simple chart you can hang up in the classroom or provide one for each child. Features full color photographs with the different seasons written across the bottom.

Four Seasons Wordwall Cards
A set of printable wordwall cards featuring the four seasons, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. These make great matching cards as well.

Draw & Write Activity
Give to children at the beginning of each season. Children can draw a picture and fill in the blank with what activity they like to do.

Four Seasons Classroom Quilt
A set of twenty different coloring page quilts you can use collaboratively in the classroom. Children each complete their own square and add it to the classroom quilt pocket chart. This is a great way to work together on a thematic project
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Thank you. I’m very excited