We have some fantastic frog printables! Our set includes printable lifecycle cards, wordwall cards, file folder games, handwriting worksheets, frog picture matching games, bookmarks and more.

Life Cycle of a Frog Printable Chart
This is a beautiful printable chart showing children the life cycle of a frog. From egg, tadpole, froglet, and frog children can use these charts in their frog notebooks.

Life Cycle of a Frog Wordwall Cards
A set of beautiful printables for children learning about the lifecycle of a frog. These make wonderfull wordwall cards, or even sequencing cards for center time activities. Two set are included, cartoon and realistic.

Life Cycle of a Frog Photo Cards
A set of beautiful photographs depicting the frog lifecycle. Includes a few interesting features of frogs as well. This makes a great Center time activity.
Great as a visual aid for the classroom, the accurately detailed replicas include eggs, tadpole, young frog and adult leopard frog.

Life Cycle of a Frog Sequencing Cards
This is a great set to print out for children to arrange the life cycle of a frog in the correct order.

Life Cycle of a Frog Classroom Charts
These are full size classroom charts showing the different stages in a frog lifecycle. These look great hung in the classroom, around a center activity, or even included in children’s notebooking journals.

Life Cycle of a Frog Minibook
This is an adorable minibook for children to take home and remember the stages of the frog life cycle. This is a single sheet of paper that folds up into a minibook that is just right for little hands.

Life Cycle of a Frog Bookmarks
These bookmarks take children through the life cycle of a frog, from egg, tadpole, froglet, and adult. These make great rewards or take home reminders.

Frog Photo Matching Cards
A set of beautiful photographs of diverse frogs for children to play a matching game. Print up two sets on cardstock and play as you would memory or concentration.A set of beautiful photographs of diverse frogs for children to play a matching game. Print up two sets on cardstock and play as you would memory or concentration.

Life Cycle of a Frog Cut & Paste
Children can cut and paste the labels for the life cycle of a frog. This resource is available at our sister site HomeschoolClipart.com where you can find free illustrations, clipart and worksheets for children’s education.

Frog Life Cycle Chart
Here is an advanced Life Cycle Chart for children to see a more detailed view of the growth of a frog. This is great to hang nearby your learning center.

Feed the Frog File Folder Game
This is a simple counting game for your preschool math centers. Froggy is grumpy, and froggy is hungry! Children count the amount of bugs and then direct the frog’s tongue to the largest pile. You can use our printable tongues and a brad, or poke a hole and add a red string or rubberband for some extra hands on fun.

More Frog File Folder Games
We have some cute frog theme file folder games on our sister site! Come check out Frog Food, Fish Flowers, Frogs, and Frog Match!

Frog Life Cycle Photo Sequencing Cards
This is a free set of high quality photo sequencing cards of the frog life cycle. Featuring six different depictions of growth stages this set includes a blank sequencing chart for children to place them into the correct order.
- Fun LIVE Grow a Frog From A Tadpole Kit
- Kids get hands-on experience with the frog life cycle!
- Large Kit: 2 Gallon Tank with 2 Live Tadpoles
- Order tadpole kits ANY time of year
Comments (3)
I loved all your material.
The activitiesare very well planned.
Thanks for the beautiful products!