Our Christmas printables help you plan a thematic unit without distraction children from the true meaning of Christmas. Youāll find lots of great printables, including cards, classroom charts, file folder games and more. We hope our printable help inspire your students with the joyous feelings of hope associated with the holiday season.
New York Times bestselling artist Susan Jeffers has created a Nutcracker unlike any that has gone before, with a lovely spare text based on the ballet.This is the perfect gift to share with children before they see The Nutcracker. Everyone who has seen the ballet will cherish itāas will anyone who enjoys stories where love triumphs. Come, take a front-row seat. The world’s most beloved holiday fairy tale is about to begin.

Nutcracker Matching Game
12 different yet similiar photos of nutcracker for children to play a matching game. These are fun because some of them are close matches but might have one or two differences. Encourage children to look closely!

N is for Nutcracker Worksheet
The letter N is great for the holidays! You can use it for Nutcracker, Nativity, Noel, ect. Use these letter N handwriting pages with your children during the Christmas season.

Nutcracker Numbers
This is a simple game to help children learn about inequalities. Children count the nutcrackers and then decide which side has more. Then they feed their (utensil) nutcrackers by pointing it towards the largest pile. You can make this game a little more fun by affixing the center nutcrackers with a brad, allowing children to turn it in the correct direction

N is for Nutcracker File Folder Game
This is a file folder game that works on beginning and ending lettern N sounds. Children draw a card, sound out the word, then place it in the correct spot. There are 12 different sound cards with real photo images.

Nutcracker Sequencing Game
My children love sequencing games! Print these on cardstock and laminate for durability as these get lots of hands on use! Children arrange the nutcrackers in order from smallest to largest then back again. Start with just a few and add more as children show mastery.
If youāre looking for Christian themed resources please check out this new Christmas Activity Pack in our eStore. Itās filled with 40 pages of games, activities and worksheets to teach children the story of the first Christmas.

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