Our printable classroom charts are a great addition to any room! Use these colorful displays to help children learn the alphabet, shapes, colors, life cycles, letter sounds and more! Charts can be used within an independent notebook, as well as scaled down to print as flashcards or morning board review. When used in a classroom setting it is recommended that you laminate these charts for durability.

Premium Alphabet Charts $$
If you’re looking for premium Alphabet charts be sure to check out our Alphabet Binder Combo Pack! This pack includes 15 different charts, worksheets, and activity pages for each letter of the alphabet.

Color Chart
This is a printable color chart featuring the color word written across each colored circle. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink Brown, Grey, Black, White.

Large Color Charts
These color chars are great to hang in the classroom, use as teaching visuals during storytime, or even as notebooking pages for children’s workbooks

Premium Color Mixing Charts $$
This premium set is part of our Color Science For Kids Activity Pack, which include tons of other Color mixing and blending activity pages for kids.

Colorful Shape Chart
This is a vibrant chart you can use with children to help them learn their shapes. Circle, Triangle, Square, Diamond, Star, Oval, Rectangle, and Heart.

Large Shape Charts
This is a vibrant chart you can use with children to help them learn their shapes. Circle, Triangle, Square, Diamond, Star, Oval, Rectangle, and Heart.

Numbers Chart
A simple number chart featuring colorful characters in the shapes of the number 1-10.

Large Number Charts
A full set of Colorful printable charts you can hang in your classroom our use in children’s notebooks. Each chart features a number character and a number word.

Life Cycle of a Butterfly Chart
This is a beautiful printable chart showing This is a beautiful printable chart showing egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, then butterfly children can use these charts in their butterfly notebooks.

Large Butterfly Life Cycle Charts
This is a beautiful printable chart showing This is a beautiful printable chart showing egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, then butterfly children can use these charts in their butterfly notebooks.

Fall Leaf Photo Chart
A photo printable chart of different leaves and variations of leaves. This makes a great classroom chart or notebooking reference chart.

Alphabet Shape Chart
This is a printable alphabet chart featuring uppercase letters with small graphics for the beginning letters.

Life Cycle of a Frog Chart
This is a beautiful printable chart showing children the life cycle of a frog. From egg, tadpole, froglet, and frog children can use these charts in their frog notebooks.

Large Frog Life Cycle Charts
These are full size classroom charts showing the different stages in a frog lifecycle. These look great hung in the classroom, around a center activity, or even included in children’s notebooking journals.

Days of the Week Chart
This is a full size chart for classroom use. Children can also store a copy in their personal notebooks.

Recycle Center Chart
Here are some colorful printable charts you can hang in your classroom by your recycling center. These can also be used in creating your own center time activities.

Large Recycling Center Charts
Use these individual charts on laundry baskets and provide children with clean recyclable to sort.

Weather Chart
This is a simple printable weather chart. Children keep track of the daily weather by making tally marks, check marks or adding a sticker. There is a place to write in the name count up the days! Each column is 1.5″ wide.
Comments (14)
Thank you so much for the free printable charts. It really helps me a lot. God bless you.
very nice
Thank you very much for your efford and kindness, for sharing all of this for free. You really help me in a lot of areas where I have no resources and gave me a lot of ideas.
Thank you so MUCH , I am a TWO’s teacher and I think visuals work very well
God Bless,
Thank you so much!!!!! I LOVE IT!
Thank you for your free printable charts. I love that I can find all that I’m looking for on one page.
Thank you so much for these wonderful resources! Our printer ink is expensive, but I just showed these beautiful free charts to my husband, and we commented on how the price of the ink is worth it!
Cheryl All these free printable are very helpful for my 2 and 3 years olds! Thanks so much, Have a blessed Day!
Thank you so much. this is an absolutely wonderful resource for my kids!
Thank you very much for these free high-quality resources.
Thanks for the big printables very useful to decorate my classroom.
Thank you for the materials.
Thank you so much~~~~THANK YOU!!!