Should I Homeschool my Preschool Child?

As your child enters the preschool stage, panic may start to set in as the question looms, “Should I homeschool my preschooler?” While it’s true that there are benefits to homeschooling your preschooler, there are also legitimate concerns on focusing too much on academics at an early age.

Here are some points to consider when answering the question on whether you should homeschool a preschooler. Every child has unique learning abilities, and that’s the beauty of being a parent — you make the decision that is perfect for your child!

Preschool Homeschooling is already LIVE at Home

Believe it or not, preschool is already happening in your home. Whether they are independently playing with blocks, putting together puzzles, or you are singing the ‘ABC’ song, they are already living in an educational environment. It’ doesn’t have to be a formal or classroom setting.

Homeschooling allows the flexibility to what works best for every situation. Plus, it can be tailored to changing circumstances at any time. Remember, your child is getting a one-on-one learning experience with positive surroundings.

Parents are in control of Education

Whether you want your child to get dirty all day outside or quietly sit while drawing at the table, you are in charge! Preschool kids need to learn to do both. They can explore and discover the possibilities outside, and practice control while sitting quietly in their chair doing hands on activities.

Preschool Homeschooling is Low Cost Education

Since parents are in charge of education, they also determine the homeschool budget. If you would send your child to a private preschool, you’re forking over hundreds of dollars. At home, however, you can buy free and low cost supplies online and at stores. In addition, you can preschool your child for just a few dollars. And, I’ll show you how below.

Preschool Families have a Flexible Schedule

Families who like to travel or have inconsistent schedules, enjoy the flexibility when preschooling their child. One perk is going on vacation during the off peak season — it’s affordable and less crowded. In addition, this gives the family more time together and opportunities for field trips and appointments during the day.

Based on these key points, have you answered the question — should I homeschool my preschooler? Every family must answer this question based on their situation, but here are some questions to ask:

  1. Am I able to carve out less than an hour to focus on teaching preschool activities?
  2. Is following instructions and print out worksheets for my child an issue for me?
  3. Can I provide homeschool materials for my child like paper, crayons, colored pencils, markers, and pencils?
  4. Do I have a clean environment for my child to work at like a desk or a space at the table?

If the answers to all these questions is a resounding ‘yes’, you may have the answer. If any of your answers are no, you may consider what it would take to reach these goals if you are serious about homeschooling.

Hundreds of Free Preschool Themes for Homeschooling

Is my child ready for preschool? Find out if your child can begin with these 5 developmental signs.

For children ready to begin pre-reading skills, parents have the choice to begin with basics. In just a few minutes a day, your child can begin practicing writing their letters and numbers. There are so many available tools online with affordable prices for budget minded families!

Learn Letters & Sounds with our Alphabet Curriculum

Preschool Pre Reading Resources

If you are considering homeschooling your preschooler,some subjects to prepare for are reading, writing, and math. Homeschooling during the preschooling stage is a perfect opportunity to evaluate your child’s readiness for reading. Some children are motivated to read early while others are not. Parents have the choice to delay those children who need more time before beginning. This is completely normal for some students to be ready while others are not.

Wondering where to get started with homeschooling preschool? There are a TON of free and frugal online resources including preschool printables that will save you a ton of money!

With just a little prep using a 5 step process, your child will know all his letters! In this article, I share with you the easy stages involved in starting using letter a week, that’s it!

Develop Fine Motor Skills

Build PreWriting Skills with our Fine Motor Activity Book

Preschool is a good time to develop those fine motor muscles that students will use for writing. It is important to strengthen these small motor muscles in preparation for the amount of writing students will be expected to complete in the coming years,

Preschool Pre-Math Resources

Now that we’ve discussed readiness for reading, is your child ready for counting? Try our number-a-week program that is a no-prep, print-and-go lesson plan coordinating wonderfully with the letter-a-week program.

Homeschooling your preschool child takes just a few minutes a day. It’s a great time to assess whether education at home is right for your schedule, lifestyle, and family. With just a little preparation and organizational skills, you’ll be a homeschooling parent before you know it!

Comment (1)

  • Celia Harrity Reply

    We moved abroad around 11 years ago and my 2 daughters were both home schooled. They are now both in their 20’s and very well educated. I’m not saying that home education is the best because it doesn’t suit all children (or parents), but it can work very well for some,

    October 2, 2019 at 4:09 am

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