Starting a letter of the week program in your preschool classroom or homeschool is a great idea. It is a program that is perfect for planning and involves easy preparation. Lessons and activities can be worked out for each letter, including letter recognition, letter sounds, words that begin with that letter, writing and verbal repetition. You really can’t go wrong structuring your lessons around one letter per week!
Starting a Letter of the Week Program
When you are teaching a preschooler, you must vary your instruction methods and styles. It’s a challenging task to meet preschoolers’ different learning styles, short attention spans, limited vocabulary and fine motor skills. Having a good plan is a must, and starting a letter of the week program may just be the answer! It takes a seemingly overwhelming task and gives you the framework you need to structure a learning environment that meets your students’ needs.
Here are five things you need to begin a Letter of the Week program:
- A Good Curriculum – A good letter of the week program will provide printables, activities, fine and large motor skills practice, coloring and cutting, pasting, tracing, and more. Sometimes they even provide instructions for hands-on crafts and games, and fun snack recipes!
- A Place to Work – Classroom teachers may find that whole group instruction works just fine for Letter of the Week lessons, but some may prefer small group work around a horseshoe or kidney table. In a homeschool setting, the kitchen table would work, or a designated school desk area. It is ideal to have plenty of space.
- Planning and Organization – The letter of the week curriculum you choose should lay out a good plan for you to follow. If it doesn’t – you should make one! Then, get organized, and have all the materials purchased or printed out beforehand. Have supplies and resources accessible at the start of your lessons.
- Supplies – Speaking of supplies, you will need various materials on hand for each activity. Many activities in a letter of the week program include the use of pencils, crayons/markers, scissors and glue, and random art materials. Be sure to check the supply lists of the curriculum before you begin. Have those things within easy reach of your learning area.
- Patience – Working with preschoolers is a rewarding and fun way to spend your days, but it can certainly be trying! Little hands don’t always work the way the child (or you) wants them to, and little minds can’t always stay focused on the task at hand. You will need lots of patience and care to meet their needs and provide a learning experience that is fun for all involved.
So you’re considering starting a letter of the week program, and don’t know where to begin? Perhaps the above ideas will get you started on the right track!
Need a preschool Letter of the Week program for your classroom or homeschool? Click the image below!
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