Tag - fine motor control

Fine Motor Skills for Preschoolers

Monthly Fine Motor Activity Packs Preschool is a wonderful time to try out monthly themes in your classroom! Whether you are homeschooling your own child, or teaching a classroom of twenty students, covering holidays and seasons is a great way to boost engagement. I don't know about you, but the practicality of implementing seasonal themes has always been one of the biggest stumbling blocks for me. Too many hours spent scouring Pinterest...

Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers

The key to a successful preschool home setting or classroom includes several hands-on fine motor skills activities preschoolers. With this multi-sensory approach to learning, young children will retain more knowledge while having fun doing it! And, that's why we continue to grow our Fine Motor ABC bundles to include small movement activities for preschoolers. Fine Motor Alphabet Activities A great example for building essential preschool skills is included in our popular and affordable fine motor control...