How to Choose the Right Preschool Curriculum

As your child reaches school age, it begins a bittersweet journey to more independence! Itā€™s exciting to examine all the learning tools and possibilities for your inquisitive,exploring child. Yet, the choices and decisions to make for your preschool child can be somewhat daunting! Here are 4 tips on how to choose the right preschool curriculum for your child!

Early Childhood Education & Learning Styles

Each child is prone to a particular learning style. The three typical learning styles are: visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning.

Visual learning, or spatial learning style, is a way of process information through images. With this particular learning style, your child should see expectations first before beginning an activity.

This style is actually the easiest to teach since you can use workbooks, books and videos to stimulate their learning skills. However, the downside is they are easily distracted by shiny objects and squabbling siblings! Having a quiet area to work in is ideal.

An auditory learnerā€™s strength lie within their listening skills. They depend mostly on remembering through speaking whether its themselves talking or receiving information through instruction. Auditory educational tools include read alouds, audio books, memorization through songs, and conversations.

A kinesthetic learner easily understands concepts using a multi-sensory approach. They enjoy hands on activities, constantly moving, and new experiences. You may notice they canā€™t sit still, do not enjoy reading, and have difficulty spelling.

Some of the best resources for kinesthetic learners are manipulatives, drawing materials, computer based programs, and clay. Youā€™ll want to look for anything they can physically touch or use most of their senses.

Teaching Styles and Life Situations

Before deciding on the best choice for preschool curriculum, you must review your current lifestyle. It takes a considerable time commitment to teach your preschooler. There is planning, execution, and maintenance required for homeschooling at any age. You should not expect to run your homeschool along the rigid standards of a standard preschool classroom.

Ask yourself these questions before reviewing potential preschool curriculum:

  1. How much time do I have during the day to teach my child?
  2. Am I a creative person and do I get inspired to create new things or assemble activities?
  3. Would I enjoy organizing and maintaining a schedule using calendars, check lists, and planning field trips?
  4. Am I willing to change teaching methods if they donā€™t work on my child?

If most of the answers are yes, you may consider reading books about how to design your own curriculum. Or, peruse the web for a plethora of ideas on crafts, hands-on activities, learning centers, and more! In fact, we’ve collected many homeschool preschool ideas for you.

However, on the flip side — if most of the answers are no, you may want to consider buying a prepacked curricula. Thankfully, there are a TON of resources available for busy moms today.

Buying a complete set of curriculum should be on your short list of priorities. This goes especially for moms who have very little preparation time. Many experienced homeschool veteran moms and teachers have already paved the way and have done the work for you!

Preschool Programs: Goals and Standards

Have you thought about goals for your child going into the preschool stage? Do you want to instill a love for learning? Is learning the bible a priority? Will play time be a part of his/her day? How about play dates or structured activities? Whether his/her education is learning how to count, prereading, or letter recognition and writing, write all of your expectations down on paper.

Do you have a budget in mind? Maybe you are on one income, and money is tight. There are several free and frugal resources online. You would be amazed at the premium preschool products available online that fit any budget!

Preschool Childā€™s Interests

How interested will your child be in learning their preschool milestones? If a child is not excited about the subject they are absorbing, both of you will become frustrated quickly! Avoid any rigid lessons, instead, look for exciting and inviting programs! They should also include several hands-on activities, read alouds, sensory play, and nature adventures.

Unit studies or thematic units are a perfect option for young students. They focus on one topic, but include a variety of subjects like math, science, geography, and more! You can find any subject your child loves online.

As you determine your priorities and expectations with preschool development, consider all of these factors. This will help you choose the right preschool curriculum for your budget, your situation, and your family. Preschool is a fun and wonderful age for exploratory learning! Giving your child the tools they need to prepare is key to their education in the future.  

Comments (2)

  • Tyler Johnson Reply

    I think that’s a good idea to look for exciting activities. I would think that would help them to stay engaged and get more out of school. I’ll have to look for that when my son gets old enough to go to preschool.

    November 1, 2019 at 8:38 am
  • Haj Reply

    These are great ideas. I like to create thematic units and incorporate all the subjects within the theme to make learning fun and relevant. Thanks for sharing!

    December 5, 2020 at 4:43 pm

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