Gingerbread House Game
Learning to count is the most basic and necessary skill to have when your child is first learning math. With this free printable Christmas Game, students will learn how to count and identify numbers 11 to 20. This is a great way to expand on your preschooler’s budding math skills. If you are looking for resources to help your student begin counting, check out our Free Number Printables. This Gingerbread game is a hands-on engaging math game for your preschoolers. With colorful & interactive elements, this holiday game is perfect for when your kids are looking for a little winter fun!

Christmas Counting Printable
Gingerbread spin is a free counting game that includes the gingerbread house mat and the spinning mat. If you don’t have a transparent plastic spinner for the number wheel, you can use a brad and paperclip, or even a pencil and a paper clip can be used to create your own homemade spinner.

How to play
This gingerbread house counting game is very easy for your preschool student to play. All you do is spin and whatever number they land on is the number of candies they put on the gingerbread house. If you are not too keen on handing your kiddo a pile of candy there are many different things to use instead. Try mini-erasers, pom-poms, gems, or marshmallows. A quick trip to the Dollar Store will provide you with plenty of inexpensive, thematic, hands-on manipulatives you can use alongside this game.

Preschool Christmas Activities
This set can easily be used as a file folder game or a “Busy Bag” for your students. Because there are only two pages and you can put the pieces in a bag to store for later, storage is a snap and the game can be played with other students for years to come.

When printing we recommend printing on cardstock and laminating for durability. Printing on cardstock will give you further durability so the game can be used over and over through the years.
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