Free Number Sense Math Mats
Learning about numbers seems simple enough, doesn’t it? You simply teach children number recognition, and understanding of number value and you’re done, right? Well, maybe not…there are many different ways children can learn about numbers, with different ways to present them. We’ve got a fun hands-on learning activity that is sure to engage your early mathematicians!

What is Number Sense?
Number sense is basically the understanding of numbers and how they relate to each other. For preschoolers, learning about number sense means building the necessary skills to understand that numbers can be represented by many different ways. For example, we can represent numbers with dots (like on a dice), tall marks, numerals, number words, ten frames, and even blocks.

Number Sense Games
We have a great variety of Number Preschool Printables available to introduce your student to numbers. However, if your student already has a good understanding of the basics, then learning about different ways to represent numbers is a great expansion. And the best way to learn a new math concept is with a math game!

Monster Number Mats
Introduce this free number sense game to your students as a set of Hungry Number Monsters. Each monster wants to eat the correct number, so your job is to sort the numbers to each monster mat. All of the numbers are represented in different ways! You might have to count out the dots, or the tally marks to identify which number is represented.

Number Sense for Preschoolers
You might start your younger students off with only a couple of the number mats, or a reduced amount of the number cards. You can build and add more in as your student shows mastery. That way you avoid unnecessary frustration by unintentionally overwhelming your student. It is better to go slow and build confidence and a love of learning.

Free Number Sense Printables
Because these monster number mats are FULL-COLOR you’ll want to be sure to print on cardstock and laminate for durability. Additionally, you could use a page protector to keep the mat clean. That way, you can use these again with playdough, or even Halloween candy. (Hint: We have a fun Candy Corn Monster Game Here) Additionally, you can store all of the sorting cards in small task card boxes (as shown above) or in a small plastic bag, with the game mats in a file folder.

Monster Mat Number 1
This silly blue monster is ready to eat all of the number 1 cards! Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 2
This hungry purple monster wants to eat all the number 2 cards! Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 3
This tiny red furry monster is crazy for number 3 cards! Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 4
The one-eyed pink monster likes to eat number 4 cards. Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 5
Number 5 is the right card for this purple fuzz ball! Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 6
6 is a hit with this blue cyclops. Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 7
This yellow monster is ready to suck up number 7 cards! Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 8
With three eyes this monster likes to eat 8 number cards. Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 9
A monster with glasses? Why not?! This blob likes to eat number 9 cards. Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number 10
Hooray for this number 10 eating monster! Print on cardstock or laminate for durability.

Monster Mat Number Sense Cards Set 1
This sheet includes number words, numerals, and tally marks to go with the monster math mats.

Monster Mat Number Sense Cards Set 2
This set includes blocks and dice patterns to go with the monster math mats.

Monster Mat Number Sense Cards Set 3
This final set includes ten frames for numbers 1-10. Add these to your number sense game for an additional challenge.
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