File Folder Games are a great way to add some fun to your classroom! Children love to play games, and with our colorful printables, they won’t even know they are learning! I suggest you either make you games with Heavy Duty File Folders or invest in an inexpensive Thermal Laminator. If you are unfamiliar with File Folder Games, read our quick tutorial here on our sister site File Folder Fun.

Whose Tools File Folder Game
This is a file folder game for children who are learning about community helpers.Children match the tools to the correct person. Features firefighter, dentist, farmer and mailman.

ABC Match File Folder Game
This is a printable file folder game for children to match the pictures to the correct beginning letter. This would be a great game to follow up your alphabet unit.

Seasonal Sort Game
A fantastic full color photograph file folder game for children to sort out what belongs in each season. This is a great game to play individually or as a class.

What’s The Weather Game
This is a great game for your little ones to practice recognizing what types of coloring and accessories they will need for different weather conditions. Featuring a hot sunny day, cold winter day, and stormy rainy day.

Toyland Game
This is a printable file folder game of different photographs of children’s toys. There are some that are pretty similar so it is a great exercise in visual discrimination.

Bucket of Buttons Game
This is a printable file folder game for children learning how to count up to 10. Use real buttons or popsicle stick worms and put the correct amount into each pail.

Butterfly File Folder Game
Children roll the die and move around the board. Each time they land, draw a card from the pile. If it’s a fact card, read the card with your child. If it’s a bonus cardā¦..

Rainbow ABC’s Game
This would be a great game to keep at your learning center during your weather unit. Children match the uppercase letter to the lowercase letter. Young children can start with one set of rainbows at a time, building on their knowledge.

Beginning/Ending L Game
This is a printable file folder game for children working on beginning and ending letter sounds. Children look at the picture on the heart and decide if it begins or ends with the letter L, then place it accordingly on the board.

Sweets & Treats Game
A simple shadow-matching game with a little sweet touch.

Feed The Frog Game
This is a simple counting game for your preschool math centers. Froggy is grumpy, and froggy is hungry! Children count the amount of bugs and then direct the frog’s tongue to the largest pile.

Butterfly Colors Game
This is a printable file folder game for children working on color recognition. Children can help the butterflies find the correct flower.

Pumpkin Patch Match Game
A simple color-matching game for children who are working on single and double color matching.

ABC’s of Spring Game
This game is for children working on uppercase and lowercase letter recognition. Children put the flower onto the correct stem.

Hungry Bunny Game
This is a cute counting file folder game with a farm theme. Children read the number printed on each bunny and give it the corresponding amount of carrots. Optional Idea: Use cut up plastic straws or orange pipe cleaners for small motor movements.

ABC Falling Leaves
This is a simple game to help children learn about inequalities. Children count the nutcrackers and then decide which side has more. Then they feed largest pile. You can make this game a little more fun by affixing the center nutcrackers with a brad, allowing children to turn it in the correct direction.

Koala King Game
This is a printable file folder game with a cut koala theme. Children work on number recognition and sequencing by crowing the koala with the largest written number

Nutcracker Numbers
This is a simple game to help children learn about inequalities. Children count the nutcrackers and then decide which side has more. Then they feed largest pile. You can make this game a little more fun by affixing the center nutcrackers with a brad, allowing children to turn it in the correct direction.

N is for Nutcracker
This is a file folder game that works on beginning and ending lettern N sounds. Children draw a card, sound out the word, then place it in the correct spot. There are 12 different sound cards with real photo images.

Stars and Stripes Game
A simple color matching game for children who are working on simple pattern recognition.

ABC Christmas Tree
This is a fun game for children who are learning letter recognition. There are two different sets of alphabet ornaments, uppercase and lowercase. Children look at each ornament and place it on the correct tree.

Penguin Patterns
A simple matching game for children working on pattern recognition.

Picking Pumpkins Game
A game for children working on counting skills up to number 5

Fall Leaves Fall Game
A file folder game for children to match the leaves to the correct outlines. As a suggestion it would be great fun if you made your own game by tracing real leaves on construction paper to make the outlines.
Comment (1)
Your folder games are imaginative and well liked. My students are enjoying them.