How to Start a Monthly Theme for Your Preschooler

Homeschooling your preschooler is a fun and interesting journey for everyone involved. You’ll love working alongside your preschooler as they discover new things and learn important skills each month. But how do you know what to teach your preschooler each month? Here are some tips to help you start a monthly theme for your preschooler.

How to Start a Monthly Theme for your Preschooler

Starting a monthly theme for your preschooler is a great way keep learning fun. With different monthly themes, your preschooler will be excited to discover the next thing. Each month’s theme should be something that is educational and yet fun. You can use any of your child’s interested to learn important preschool skills!

Pick a Theme Type  (Free Preschool Themes Here)

To get started with a monthly theme for your preschooler, you’ll need to decide what kind of theme to go with! There are so many options available, so pick a style and go with it! You can always change or adjust the theme later if you want something different.

  • Seasons – The seasons are great for monthly themes. You can use the 4 seasons to teach fun reading and math skills.
  • Holidays – In addition to the seasons, your monthly theme could be based on a holiday of the month. For example, January could be focused on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, February for President’s Day or Valentine’s Day and so on.
  • National Months – Did you know that April is National Poetry Month or that September is Self-Care Awareness Month? Each month has a variety of national themes that you can join in on celebrating!
  • Interests – Alternatively, if you don’t want to go with a specific holiday or season, you might want to consider choosing a monthly theme for your child’s interests! If your child loves trains, you could make January a train theme. If your preschooler is a huge fan of the color purple, make your month’s theme purple! Your child can play an important part in picking each month’s theme.

Plan Each Week of the Month

Once you’ve picked a monthly theme, it’s time to start planning each week! You’ll want to plan 4 weeks of lessons and activities for each month. Since each month’s theme is different, you can easily follow the same weekly template, simply swapping out activities based on the theme. If this template doesn’t fit for your specific theme, you can easily tailor it based on what you’re studying.

  • Introduction: Week 1 – Your first week of the month should be an introduction to your theme! Simply use the first week to become familiar with the theme. For example, if your theme is based on your child’s interests of lizards, you can spend the first week talking about types of lizards. This can include a variety of lizards that your child both is familiar and unfamiliar with.
  • In-Depth Study: Week 2 – The next week, you can move from the simple theme introduction to a more in-depth study. Using the same lizard example, week 2 could be used to study a lizard’s habitat or dietary needs. You could study why lizards are important to our environment.
  • Comparisons: Week 3 – As your preschooler begins to understand more about the monthly theme, it’s time for them to use their knowledge to make comparisons. How is a lizard different from a bird? What are some animals that are similar to lizards? This week will help you gauge how much understanding your preschooler has on the topic.
  • Conclusion: Week 4 – The last week of the month should be used as a conclusion, reviewing what was learned and discussing what else they would like to know. This is a great wrap-up week so that you don’t leave anything hanging!

Using a monthly theme for your preschooler is a great way for them to learn important topics and skills. Not only is it educational for your child, it’s also a lot of fun! This helps develop a love of learning that will follow your preschooler throughout their school years.

Need more great resources for your preschool classroom? Check out all the free printables on!

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