Activity mats are a fantastic way for students to work on a variety of preschool math skills. Not only are they colorful and engaging, but they provide you with multiple opportunities to teach important skills your students will take with them during their kindergarten year. These free math printables will soon become a winter favorite in your preschool classroom.

Christmas Tree Math Mats
If your students are learning basic counting skills, then these mats are great for number recognition. During the preschool year, it’s important for students to look at the written form of the number and recognized that the number stands for a specific amount. That is where these activity math mats shine! Students will identify the number then place the corresponding amount of lights on the Christmas tree. If you have access to a set of colorful mini-lights this would make for a highly engaging activity that your students will beg you to do!

Play Dough Activity Mats
Don’t worry if you don’t have mini-Christmas bulbs, as these activity mats work just as well with playdough Christmas lights too! In fact, your students will be building small motor control with precision as they form the small colorful ornaments. Alternatively, you could use mini-candy canes, mints, or even cinnamon-scented red-hots. You might consider presenting students with a few choices of ornaments for completing the activity mats.
Free Printable Math Activity Mats

Counting Lights Playdough Mats
Print these free play dough activitiy mats for numbers 1-20. Print on cardstock and laminate for durability.
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