Free Playdoh Monster Color Mat
Learning about the different colors and how to spell them is a necessary part of a preschooler’s education. Students will learn how to spell each one of the 10 colors by stamping each of the letters in playdoh. Monster Playdoh Color Mats are a new and fun way for your young students to learn their colors.

Interactive Spelling Game
This free Color Monster Playdoh game includes 10 different colored monster squares. Each square is a different monster face on it with the color of the monster written below.
Sight Word Spelling
All that is needed to assemble the Monster Color Playdoh Mat is to print the two sheets of paper that have the 10 monsters on them and cut them into squares. The only other materials you will need are playdoh and letter stamps.

How to Play
For this playdoh game, preschool children will pick a monster out of the pile and read the color. Next, the child will choose the same color play dough as the monster, in this case it will be green. Then, the child will spell the word “green” with the letter stamps directly into the play dough.

Colorful Playdoh Stamping
Having your preschooler stamp out words into playdoh doesn’t just have to stop at at colors. If your student is getting frustrated with their spelling words you can give them a break by having them stamp out the words in play dough instead. This is a great way to get your children excited about spelling! This activity can be adapted to your own spelling words, or even for students learning to spell their own name! You can extend this activity to have your student practice other key skills as well. For example, matching the uppercase letter to the lowercase letter, spelling small sight words, or even to spell the days of the week.

Monster Colors Playdough Stamping
Print a set on cardstock and laminate for durability. Store in task box or small plastic bag.
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