Learning is fun with our free printable Valentine’s Day Activities for Preschool! Preschool and kindergarten students will build important number literacy skills with these hands-on math activity mats. Featuring numbers 1-10, your students will build skills like number formation, ten frames, counting, one-to-one correspondence, and even number order.

Fine Motor Number Mats
Best of all, this fun and free activity have your students using candy conversation hearts for counters! We’ve designed these free printable candy learning mats to fit perfectly with traditional Valentine’s Day candy hearts! Preschool students will be building important fine motor skills and building those small motor muscles as they complete each activity.

Number Recognition Preschool
Number recognition and understanding number value is an important goal during the preschool year as they will begin to work more fluently with numbers during their kindergarten year. While this specific set covers numbers 1-10, when your students are ready you can print our 0-20 Valentine’s Day Counting Mats as well.
Valentines Activities for Preschoolers
Ready for more Candy Heart Valentine’s Day Fun? Try our Alphabet Candy Heart Mats!
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