If you’re a preschool mom, most likely at some point, you’ve heard of the term ‘fine motor skills’. Fine motor skills are weaker in young children and need a little practice to get them strong and robust. However, let’s discuss both fine and gross motor skills that are critical to a child’s development during the younger years.
What are Fine Motor Skills?
You may ask –what are fine motor skills? Fine motor skills are basically small movements we perform every day like picking up tiny objects with hands and wrist, holding utensils, writing or drawing, and cutting with scissors. These small muscles are located in our fingers, toes, and wrists along with the lips and tongue.

However, preschoolers not only need a little help development this fine motor movement, they also could practice on their gross motor skills.
Fine vs. Gross Motor Skills
So, what are gross motor skills? Maybe you’ve figured it out already based on the definition of fine motor skills. However, let me indulge you for a moment. The difference between fine motor and gross motor skills are quite the opposite of each other — small vs large muscle groups.
In other words, gross motor development are the bigger or larger movements we perform every day. Some motor skills examples could be sitting, rolling over, bending and picking up objects, etc.
These large muscle movements involve the anatomy of the arms, legs, feet and the entire body. Your child will build these important muscles during dancing, running, pushing and pulling objects, throwing balls, and even clapping.
Gross Motor Skills Activities
As preschool moms and teachers, large muscle practice can be easily incorporated with plenty of free time. Play some music while your child claps and dances around the room. Give them some large balls to throw and catch back and forth. Play ‘Simon Says’ and give your child some running relays and jumping jacks play.
Gross Motor activities are super easy to add into your day. And, it may even create a ton of laughter and giggles! Kids love to play — that’s why its critical for young children to play outside and explore. They’ll get great practice with their gross motor skills!
Fine Motor Activities
Fine Motor Alphabet Phonics: Popsicle Stick Picture Mats
Now that the kids are a bit worn out from tons of gross motor play, let’s discuss some fun fine motor activities. Encouraging your child to build fine motor movements is a great way to add fun and flexibility with their development.
I have a ton of fine motor printables that your child will love when they need some sitting or quiet time. For example, my Fine Motor Alphabet Phonics: Popsicle Stick Picture Mats was developed specifically for your preschooler in mind! However, this can be used for Kindergarten and First graders as well.
Fine Motor Popsicle Mats
With the Fine Motor Popsicle Activity, you’ll find a mat to use for every single letter of the alphabet. Each mat features a letter and picture as a template using cheap or free popsicle sticks. Hint: Popsicles may be a great snack for today!
This fine motor activity allows creativity and imagination, all while using a kinesthetic (multi-sensory) approach. In addition, these fine motor mats are perfect for teaching the ABCs in an easy manner while building those critical small motor muscles.

More Fine Motor Skills Ideas
If you are enjoying this FREE fine motor activity, you may want to explore more options. Grab my Fine Motor Skills Bundle below that includes activities for every month of the year! It’s all prepackaged for you. Here’s basically all you need to get started. These are staple items you’ll find right in your home:
- Printer with paper
- Writing Utensils
- Age appropriate Cutting Scissors
- Glue
- Objects based on each activity
That’s it, my friends! Hope you and your preschooler enjoy these fine motor activities. These fine motor preschool printables are super easy to start, simple to implement, and low prep is required.

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